Living in troubled and unstable times is something Isaiah knew about. His prophecy has something very relevant to say for the times we live in. The importance of his prophecy can be seen from two points of view: first, the fact that the New Testament refers to the writings of Isaiah at least sixty-six times, more than any other Old Testament book except the Psalms; and, second, the use made of the prophecy by Jesus Himself. Prophecy is the interpretation of history from the standpoint of God’s covenant word and promise. That was the key to the ministry of the prophets: they interpreted history on the basis of what God had said in His covenant. God is faithful to His word - always - no matter what the consequences for Himself or for His people. Knowing truths like this will make us strong. It is Isaiah’s conviction that the church needs to remember the consequences of God’s holy character and live accordingly if she is to experience blessing and revival.
- Derek Thomas